Tuesday, November 9, 2010


So, while I am busy writing on my other blog, Of Life and Love, this poor little blog gets consistently neglected. I promise, one day I will remedy this.

Since I can now look at my stats, I can see that there are people actually looking at this blog, so I want to start giving them something to read.

Update on my life as a Lactosucrovegetard:

I totally slipped for a long time--like a month--when it came to the sucrotard part. (Don't worry, the vegetarianism is still up and running!!) But I let myself eat copious amounts of sweets during October, and I definitely felt a difference. I can tell that my body just hates trying to process processed sugars. So after Halloween (convenient, right?) I decided that I really need to be more careful in what sweets I eat. I really need to be strong and avoid those processed sugars--I really feel better when I do.

Being a lactard has been fairly easy lately. My boyfriend's sister is also a lactard, so any time we go over there, there are already accommodations in place!! Well, for the most part. She can eat dairy, just not lactose. The thing I have discovered lately is that I can't eat dairy--not even the lactose free kind. It still feels the same in my poor rumbly tummy. I did splurge on some awesome real Parmesan at dinner one night last month--and I really had no reaction!

And, I am still loving being a vegetarian. I feel healthier than I have ever felt before. But, I am trying to take the next step--in making sure every single little thing I eat doesn't have any contaminant of meat. If I am shopping, I always check to make sure that no meat stock is used in what I buy, but I have started asking when I go out to eat. I am doing my best to take the next step...and it's not always easy!

So, all in all, the life and times of this lactosucrovegetard are all awesome. I am eating wonderful things, enjoying life, and being healthy. I promise more recipes soon--I have some great pizzas and snacks to pass on!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Best Idea Ever....

So, my friends and I went out to a hamburger joint tonight. There was nothing on the menu that came lactosucrovegetard friendly--so like I usually do, I started searching for something I could easily adapt...

I got the GLBT (guacomole, lettuce, bacon, tomato) with onion rings put on instead of bacon.

Best idea ever....it was DELICIOUS.

Everyone else had just assumed I would order a salad....I don't like salads....

Saturday, May 22, 2010


I am proud to say that it seems as though I am starting to help convert some people. I have a few friends who say they are heading towards Vegetarianism, and others who choose to cook vegetarian over carnivorous more often.

Sounds awesome.

I will get some recipes, anecdotes and whatnot up here soon. Life just doesn't seem to slow down!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sorry So Long!

Hello Friends!

Sorry it has been so long since I have ventured back here--I have been quite busy! But the good news is, I am still a Lactosucrovegetard, and the Vegetarians still have the lead!

A friend of mine, very much a carnivore, made some chili--both vegetarian and carnivorous. He admitted that the vegetarian was better.

Vegetarians: 3
Carnivores: 0

I promise that I will post here more often. I have been learning/creating new lactosucrovegetard recipes, so I have many to share! They will be here soon!

Until then, eat happy and friendly!