Friday, May 28, 2010

Best Idea Ever....

So, my friends and I went out to a hamburger joint tonight. There was nothing on the menu that came lactosucrovegetard friendly--so like I usually do, I started searching for something I could easily adapt...

I got the GLBT (guacomole, lettuce, bacon, tomato) with onion rings put on instead of bacon.

Best idea was DELICIOUS.

Everyone else had just assumed I would order a salad....I don't like salads....

Saturday, May 22, 2010


I am proud to say that it seems as though I am starting to help convert some people. I have a few friends who say they are heading towards Vegetarianism, and others who choose to cook vegetarian over carnivorous more often.

Sounds awesome.

I will get some recipes, anecdotes and whatnot up here soon. Life just doesn't seem to slow down!