Tuesday, November 9, 2010


So, while I am busy writing on my other blog, Of Life and Love, this poor little blog gets consistently neglected. I promise, one day I will remedy this.

Since I can now look at my stats, I can see that there are people actually looking at this blog, so I want to start giving them something to read.

Update on my life as a Lactosucrovegetard:

I totally slipped for a long time--like a month--when it came to the sucrotard part. (Don't worry, the vegetarianism is still up and running!!) But I let myself eat copious amounts of sweets during October, and I definitely felt a difference. I can tell that my body just hates trying to process processed sugars. So after Halloween (convenient, right?) I decided that I really need to be more careful in what sweets I eat. I really need to be strong and avoid those processed sugars--I really feel better when I do.

Being a lactard has been fairly easy lately. My boyfriend's sister is also a lactard, so any time we go over there, there are already accommodations in place!! Well, for the most part. She can eat dairy, just not lactose. The thing I have discovered lately is that I can't eat dairy--not even the lactose free kind. It still feels the same in my poor rumbly tummy. I did splurge on some awesome real Parmesan at dinner one night last month--and I really had no reaction!

And, I am still loving being a vegetarian. I feel healthier than I have ever felt before. But, I am trying to take the next step--in making sure every single little thing I eat doesn't have any contaminant of meat. If I am shopping, I always check to make sure that no meat stock is used in what I buy, but I have started asking when I go out to eat. I am doing my best to take the next step...and it's not always easy!

So, all in all, the life and times of this lactosucrovegetard are all awesome. I am eating wonderful things, enjoying life, and being healthy. I promise more recipes soon--I have some great pizzas and snacks to pass on!!