Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Married Life...


For those of you who may not follow my other blog, you may have had no idea that I got married in June. It was a wonderful, awesome, fun-filled day--you can read about it in my other blog.

But well before that, Ryan and I moved in together. At the end of January when Ryan's lease in Longmont was up, we decided to move in together. Admittedly, I felt I had nothing to be concerned with--even though Ryan was a carnitard (my new term for carnivores.)

Throughout the past 6 months, we have had no trouble adapting to our new life together. We clean, we sleep, we spend time together, we eat together. I do not like to purchase anything with meat or animal by-products in it, so for Ryan this meant a serious change of diet. And for the past 6 months, the only meat he's eaten here at home has been a Taco Bell trip and the occasional microwave dinner. He's been quite the trooper!

Well, the fun thing was that a few weeks ago Ryan told me that he wants to become a Boulder Vegetarian....so he's ready to give up red meat and game meat. That's step one to vegetarianism in my mind. ;-)

So, the score keeps adding up:

Vegetarians: 4

Carnitards: 0