Thursday, July 23, 2009


Where shall I begin? I guess since this is a blog about my eating habits, we will start there.

About 9 years ago I gave up red meat, game meat, and pork. A little bit for health reasons, but mostly because I hated the thought that I was killing those animals just to eat. So I stopped. I guess having a pet pig as a child will do that to you.

So for the past several years I have struggled with the fact that animals still had to die in order for me to eat. I needed something to push me over the edge...and I got it.

I was driving on I-25 one day, and found myself next to a semi carrying livestock. I looked into the little holes...and saw big cow eyes staring back at me. I stayed next to the semi as long as I could...the cows all looked so lifeless, drained. Finally the semi exited the highway, and I was left with the determination to give up all meat.

I needed a defining day to go cold turkey (pun intended). My family was taking a vacation at the beginning of January, and so I decided that the day I got back from vacation would be the last day I ate meat. And it was.

So, I find myself in an interesting predicament...because I am also lactose intolerant. And I have found that processed sugar as well as "fake" sugar makes me feel ill. And I don't like tofu...or salads in general. It's the fact that so many people think that because I'm a vegetarian I eat only salads. I am not a rabbit.

So...lactosucrovegetard? Where did that come from? Funny story...well a couple funny stories....

It started when a friend of mine shared his term for the lactose intolerant: lactard. I laughed so hard, milk would have come out my nose if I could drink it. Then another friend started calling me a "special needs eater." And finally, over this past summer, two of my friends/coworkers decided to elaborate on the lactard and special needs eater-ness of my


Lactosucrovegetard. I told them I should be a "lactosucromeatatard" or "lactosucrocarnetard," but they did not like either of those options. So it stayed as it was.

I have now been a lactosucrovegetard for almost 7 months...and it has been a challenge sometimes. My goal with this blog is to commiserate with fellow lactosucrovegetards and hopefully to be able to post my recipes, restaurant substitions, and general solutions for the life of the lactosucrovegetard.

Live and let live, and bon apetit!!

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