Monday, August 17, 2009

Score One for Vegetarians

Yesterday, I went to a very beautiful wedding--absolutely gorgeous. After the ceremony there was some foods to nosh on; so I walked over with my friends.

We got to the food table and my friends were disappointed to see that they had to wait because most of the food needed to be replenished. I hopped right into line and started taking some portions, but my friend pointed out that a lot of stuff was gone.

I pointed out that the stuff missing was all the stuff with meat in it.

So I continued on my way, filled my plate with lactosucrovegetard friendly fare, and as I walked back towards our table, I pointed to my plate and said, "Benefit of being vegetarian."

It took almost 10 more minutes before my friends made it back to the table.

Carnivores 0
Vegetarians 1


  1. You special needs eaters get all the luck, with your special parking spaces and reading with your fingers. Why is life so easy for you?

  2. I don't know how life ended up so easy for us special needs eaters...we just have all the luck, indeed we do. You could come over to the good side any day you know....then you could have special parking too! ;-)
