Sunday, September 20, 2009

Vegetarians: 2 Carnivores: 0

This weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to work on the set of a music video. I designed and made a dress for the artist, and had a wonderful time!

The first day of filming, I became friends with the 2nd AD, who was also the person ordering lunch. Just so happens, she's a vegetarian too.

So, she ordered us special dishes. While everyone else fought over plates of fish tacos, we each had our own plates with veggie burgers and fruit salad.

So I say...

Vegetarians: 2
Carnivores: 0

Sunday, September 13, 2009

For people who kill things...and the non-lactosucrovegetards...


I am a vegetarian. I understand you have not made the same choice I have, and while I judge you slightly--I do not initiate verbal judgment on you. I may engage in a playful argument over the benefits of Vegetarianism and how terrible it is to kill just to eat, but I try my best to not be mean or judgmental.

So please, do not repeatedly point out that "dead animals taste great."

Maybe they would say the same of you.

And please, it is not by my choice that I cannot eat dairy. It's genetic...seriously. I used to love cheese...and chocolate milk. Not soy milk...honest-to-God from the cow milk with Hershey's syrup. But it does not love me back.

I am also not a sucrotard by choice. Processed sugar makes me ill. Literally. I get sick. If you got sick every time you ate something, you would stop, right?

So, before you think me pretentious or too "hippie," think about the fact that many factors have led me to these decisions.

But yes--I am a vegetarian mostly for ethical reasons. Why should a living creature have to die for me to eat? It is not necessary. And no, my cats are not Vegetarians--it is NECESSARY for them to be carnivores.

Thank you.


The Original Lactosucrovegetard

Monday, August 17, 2009

Score One for Vegetarians

Yesterday, I went to a very beautiful wedding--absolutely gorgeous. After the ceremony there was some foods to nosh on; so I walked over with my friends.

We got to the food table and my friends were disappointed to see that they had to wait because most of the food needed to be replenished. I hopped right into line and started taking some portions, but my friend pointed out that a lot of stuff was gone.

I pointed out that the stuff missing was all the stuff with meat in it.

So I continued on my way, filled my plate with lactosucrovegetard friendly fare, and as I walked back towards our table, I pointed to my plate and said, "Benefit of being vegetarian."

It took almost 10 more minutes before my friends made it back to the table.

Carnivores 0
Vegetarians 1

Thursday, August 6, 2009

10,000 Burgers

Last night my brothers and I went to the OC Super Fair. It was a ton of fun, but a Lactosucrovegetard's nightmare.

If there is a "second hand smoke" for vegetarians, I am pretty sure I got a very unhealthy dose of it last night. I am pretty sure I saw the world's largest grill, more fried food than an entire country should have and a cow so large it was proudly advertised that it would make "10,000 Burgers."

Is anyone else really appalled by that? This is a living creature, a still living breathing creature--and yet we still have to relate it to what people can consume. Turn a beautiful living breathing creature into nothing more than a dead carcass and dinner.

The fair was not a total loss. I did have the best ear of corn ever, complete with hot sauce! I got to enjoy the lovely company of my brothers, ride the ferris wheel and see some amazing woodworking. I also got to ride an elephant (don't worry, they were happy and healthy and the proceeds benefit an elephant sanctuary) and pet a bevy of wonderful farm animals. So if you go to the OC Super Fair, prepare yourself fellow Lactosucrovegetards, it's a trip.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Reading List

Many things persuaded me to become vegetarian, including several books. If you are looking into becoming a vegetarian and want some motivation, or a carnivore that wants to be educated, here is a great reading list for you:

Animals in Translation by Temple Grandin
Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin
Animal Liberation by Peter Singer
Slaughterhouse by Gail Eisnitz

Just the beginning...I am sure I will come across many more books that i will add to this list.

If you are in the process of becoming vegetarian, visit and request your free vegetarian starter kit.

Believe me, you'll be happy you did it....especially after reading the above books.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lisa's Veggie Bruschetta

OK folks, here is my first recipe. Nothing too fancy, but it can make a great dinner or appetizer.


1 avocado
2 roma tomatoes
1/2-3/4 cup chopped spinach
1/4-1/3 cup red wine vinaigrette
1/2 loaf french bread
1/4 cup rice cheese (very optional)


Turn oven to Broil.

Chop romas and avocado into small pieces.
Mix spinach, romas, avocado and vinaigrette in medium bowl.
Slice french bread into relatively thin slices (about 1/2"), and place on baking sheet.
Toast bread under broiler--both sides should be toasted to a nice brown.
(If you opt to add rice cheese, place it on the bread slices once they have been turned.)

Remove bread from oven, and spoon the veggie bruschetta mix on top of slices.

Eat and enjoy! Serves 2-3 people.


Funny story from yesterday.

My Grandma wanted to go to her favorite fast food place yesterday, and we were both sure that there would be no lactosucrovegetard options for me, so we stopped at a veg friendly place where I got a sandwich to go.

So we went over to the fast food place, my Grandma orders--then asks if they have anything for "strict vegetarians." The woman behind the counter replies, "Oh, we can make any burger vegetarian for you!" I thought, wow--here in Tucson they have Bocas at the burger joint! Who would have thought!

Then the woman continued, "Yeah, we will jsut make it like usual, and not put the meat on!" reality. Not a Boca. Just a bun with lettuce and tomato.

Notaburger, right?


Where shall I begin? I guess since this is a blog about my eating habits, we will start there.

About 9 years ago I gave up red meat, game meat, and pork. A little bit for health reasons, but mostly because I hated the thought that I was killing those animals just to eat. So I stopped. I guess having a pet pig as a child will do that to you.

So for the past several years I have struggled with the fact that animals still had to die in order for me to eat. I needed something to push me over the edge...and I got it.

I was driving on I-25 one day, and found myself next to a semi carrying livestock. I looked into the little holes...and saw big cow eyes staring back at me. I stayed next to the semi as long as I could...the cows all looked so lifeless, drained. Finally the semi exited the highway, and I was left with the determination to give up all meat.

I needed a defining day to go cold turkey (pun intended). My family was taking a vacation at the beginning of January, and so I decided that the day I got back from vacation would be the last day I ate meat. And it was.

So, I find myself in an interesting predicament...because I am also lactose intolerant. And I have found that processed sugar as well as "fake" sugar makes me feel ill. And I don't like tofu...or salads in general. It's the fact that so many people think that because I'm a vegetarian I eat only salads. I am not a rabbit.

So...lactosucrovegetard? Where did that come from? Funny story...well a couple funny stories....

It started when a friend of mine shared his term for the lactose intolerant: lactard. I laughed so hard, milk would have come out my nose if I could drink it. Then another friend started calling me a "special needs eater." And finally, over this past summer, two of my friends/coworkers decided to elaborate on the lactard and special needs eater-ness of my


Lactosucrovegetard. I told them I should be a "lactosucromeatatard" or "lactosucrocarnetard," but they did not like either of those options. So it stayed as it was.

I have now been a lactosucrovegetard for almost 7 months...and it has been a challenge sometimes. My goal with this blog is to commiserate with fellow lactosucrovegetards and hopefully to be able to post my recipes, restaurant substitions, and general solutions for the life of the lactosucrovegetard.

Live and let live, and bon apetit!!